News and articles

News, Circular Construction Juraj Kocar News, Circular Construction Juraj Kocar

Nordic Circular Construction: Re-trade programme for critical construction materials 
and solutions

We are proud to present Nordic Circular Construction - 2.0! A project which is a direct result of the Nordic Circular Hotspot Transition Group on circular construction. Rooted in cross market collaboration, Nordic Circular Construction, which is funded by Nordic Innovation, has the purpose of developing the Nordic re-trade market for circular critical construction materials and solutions - in a way that can lead the value chains of the construction industry to sustainable tipping points.

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News, Circularity Gap Report, Press release Ina Tuomala News, Circularity Gap Report, Press release Ina Tuomala

Denmark’s economy is 4 % circular

Denmark’s economy is only 4% circular. Joining the overall low circularity metrics of its Nordic neighbours. The newly launched Circularity Gap Report Denmark points out that this figure is defined by very high material consumption of 24.5 tonnes of virgin materials per person, per year—over twice the global average.

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News, Event Ina Tuomala News, Event Ina Tuomala

Arendalsuka 2022

One of the main political festivals in the Nordics, Arendalsuka, is taking place next week. Nordic Circular Hotspot will be strongly present at the event, and you will be able to find us both on stage and in the audience at many exciting events throughout the week.

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News, Nordic Circular Summit Ina Tuomala News, Nordic Circular Summit Ina Tuomala

Nordic Circular Summit 2022 – Session Headlines

Preparations for the annual Nordic Circular Summit, broadcasted from Stockholm on 22–24 November, are well underway. NCS is the biggest circular economy conference in the Nordics, bringing together an international audience for three days full of free online circularity, sustainability and climate talks, panels, and workshops. Read more to find out this year’s summit topics.

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News, Event Ina Tuomala News, Event Ina Tuomala

Circular Economy in the Nordics: Conference Roundup

Circular Economy in the Nordics – how can we make it happen? That is what the conference organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy, in collaboration with Nordic Innovation and the Nordic Circular Hotspot, set out to solve. The conference provided a platform for stakeholders from all over the Nordics to come together to discuss the opportunities and barriers to the circular transition. Comprehensive participation created an engaging conference that provided a cross-section of the state of circularity in the Nordics today.

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News, Partnership Veronica Solheim News, Partnership Veronica Solheim

New Nordic Circular Hotspot Partners

The Nordic Circular Hotspot is a partner driven initiative co-funded by Nordic Innovation, with representatives from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. Since we founded the Nordic Circular Hotspot in 2020, we have grown from eight managing partners, to now having more than 70 companies engaged in our partnership program. This week we are launching our first transition groups, where companies within selected value chains will work together to secure a circular market transition.

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