Tools for circularity - kick starting the shift from today's waste challenges to a more circular future
- Critical raw minerals
- Waste

Tools for circularity - kick starting the shift from today's waste challenges to a more circular future.
The transition to a circular economy requires fundamental changes in how we handle resources and prevent waste. While the EU has set ambitious targets for recycling critical raw materials, about half of these value chains lack secondary market infrastructure. This creates both challenges and opportunities for Nordic innovation and entrepreneurship. In this session, we explore how the Nordic countries can lead the way in developing effective waste prevention strategies and establishing viable recycling systems for critical raw materials.
You will hear from:
▪︎ Stian Bergeland, Coordinator, Nordic working group for Circular Economy (NCE)
▪︎ Susanna Sepponnen, Senior Manager, Sweco Finland
▪︎ Karl Kristensen, Senior Advisor, Bergfald Miljørådgivere, Norway
▪︎ Mathias Hermann, Advisor, Viegand Maagøe, Denmark
The topics we will dive into:
▪︎ Waste Prevention Strategies
▪︎ Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Recycling
▪︎ Economic & Regulatory Tools
▪︎ Technology & Innovation
▪︎ Nordic Market Opportunities
Key focus areas:
▪︎ Industrial solutions for waste prevention
▪︎ Textile waste prevention case studies
▪︎ CRM recycling opportunities
▪︎ Data center sustainability
▪︎ Policy instruments and business models
▪︎ Cross-border regulations
Join us to explore how the Nordic region can lead the transition towards more sustainable resource management and circular business models.
More details will be announced soon!